Water Damage Restoration Spokane

 Water Damage Restoration - What Is It?

It is the process of repairing a house or property to its pre loss condition. Damage to the property could be because of an overflow, flood or any other water damage event. The water damage restoration process involves several key procedures like loss assessment, categorization based on the water contamination levels, decontaminating and drying the structure, monitoring of the process and completion of the process. There are two large certifying bodies, namely the IICRC (Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification) and the RIA (Restoration Industry Association) that recommends standards for Water Damage Restoration In Spokane. The S500 damage due to water guide is the benchmark tool that is used by companies that specialize in restoration of water damage.

Loss Assessment and Categorization

Loss evaluation is the first and the most important step in water damage restoration. The assessment has to be correct so that an appropriate response can be taken. In restorating the damage caused by water, technicians and the insurance companies must work together and understand what is damaged and how to go about restoring the damage. Identifying the source of the damage, documentation of damage, and accurate estimates are mandatory for a proper water damage restoration. Categorization is based on the contamination levels of the water source. The categories are listed below

Category 1 - This is water from clean sources like pipes, sinks and toilets without faeces or urine.

Category 2 - This is water that has some contaminants like water from a dishwasher, washing machine or toilet with urine.

Category 3 - This is water that is highly unsanitary and is capable of causing illness or death if ingested. Sewage water, water from toilet with faeces, standing water with microbial growth and floodwater are some examples.

Restoration Done provides top-notch water damage restoration services in Spokane, WA. We can quickly and effectively remove all signs of water damage from your home or business. Our experienced technicians use the latest technology to accurately diagnose any issues and restore your property to its pre-loss condition safely and efficiently. We understand how destructive and damaging water can be, and our team is here to help you navigate the sometimes stressful process of restoration with the goal of returning your property to its original condition as soon as possible.

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